Breaking News
Against the backdrop of growing economic and political uncertainties, the financing of the project no longer seems secure to us. We have therefore decided to discontinue the project indefinitely.
© Hanno Bolte
The Legend Returns
From 1950 until the turn of the millennium, an electrically powered trolley bus had been offered – first by the ‘Eheim’ company, later by ‘Brawa’ – , which represented an additional eye-catcher on many 00 model railroads. Although the size of the bus model is considerably large compared to the real 00 scale, the trolley bus remained a sought part of larger model railroad layouts until today.
Nowadays, in the digital age, function models are facing increasing technical demands in general. Digi-Trolley™ tries to meet those requirements by a radically changed operating concept.
Do you want to know more? Then click through this hopefully informative website. Let your imagination flow!